Maintaining All-Round Good Health Through the Pandemic
The Keto Charge main focus is to ramp up the body’s natural production of ketones by using fat energy from day one rather than waiting up to 3 weeks on a low carb diet or up to 10 days of fasting for the body to enter ketosis naturally.
It keeps the blood electrolyte balance in check to avoid “Keto flu” symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, nausea and/or bad breath.
Studies have shown that Keto diet often results in longer-term weight loss, helps athletes with their performance as well as comes with overall health benefits.
If you’re trying to avoid the Covid-19 pandemic, you’ll probably be focusing on specific measures, such as social distancing, hand-sanitizing, and mask-wearing. But are you taking care of your general health, too? It can be difficult to keep other health risks in mind when focusing on a particular one, and equally hard to sustain your usual healthy living customs at such times.
If your area is in lockdown, this may pose extra difficulties, too. But it’s all the more important to keep yourself in good shape when health facilities are stretched to the limit with pandemic cases. These simple pointers will help you notch up your all-round health while pursuing those special measures, too.
Eat more healthily
If your usual diet is high in sugar, salt or fat, you’ll be wise to change your eating habits. All these food components can be dangerous for your body, especially when eaten frequently or in large quantities.
Fill up with more nutritious foods instead, particularly those rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and pulses. Check online for further dietary guidance and wholesome meal solutions. A balanced diet will benefit your body in many ways and help you stay well.
Take more exercise
When normal life is on hold, it can be tempting to sit down and wait for the time to pass. But you’ll be much better off up on your feet, and on the move, too.
Exercise of any kind will benefit your heart and lungs, and maintain a healthy, nourishing blood flow to every part of your body.
Exercise will also tone up your muscles and help to control your weight. As an extra bonus, you’ll feel more relaxed and positive after moving around, so your mental health will benefit, too.
If you can’t go out, exercise indoors, and if space is restricted, simply adjust your movements to fit. Squatting down and stretching up, for instance, can be done in the smallest of spaces. Running or skipping on the spot are also great for keeping fit in a confined area.
Allow yourself more sleep
Sleep is key to keeping well, both mentally and physically, so make sure you get your full quota each night. If you’re staying up later than you need to, bring your bedtime forward, even if you’re too wakeful to sleep at that time.
You can always sit up in bed for a while, reading or watching a movie to relax yourself until you’re ready to drop off. Sleep supports your whole body, including the immune system, so consider it an essential part of your lifestyle.
Chill out
When you put your worries behind you and allow yourself to relax, your body will relax too, enabling it to function better. It’s therefore important to keep stress to the minimum and put any worries out of mind for at least part of each day. There are many ways to chill out, such as singing, dancing, jogging, or watching funny videos.
Chatting with friends can also be relaxing, whether you meet in person or on the Internet. Sharing problems with a trusted listener will also unlock tension, and that person may have a solution to offer, too.
Take fresh air and reduce smoke intake
Fill your lungs with clean, outdoor air whenever you can. The purer the air, the more nourishing oxygen they can receive. Poisonous, smoky fumes, on the other hand, could clog up your lungs, with potential knock-on effects for your heart and general health.
With this in mind, you’ll want to avoid areas with high air pollution when possible. If you smoke, try to drop the habit, or if that seems impossible, at least cut down your consumption. Smoking can seriously damage your lungs, and could exacerbate any respiratory disease contracted, so you’ll be doing your health power of good by keeping your lungs smoke-free.
Visit your doctor or hospital if need be
If you need to see a doctor urgently, go ahead, no matter how busy they may be with pandemic cases. Similarly, if you need prompt hospital treatment, don’t be deterred from visiting or calling an ambulance, just because they’re overstretched. Your need may be as urgent as that of a COVID-19 patient, and will be respected as such.
You’ll also need to overcome any fears of catching the virus in that situation. If you have a mask to wear, that will offer some protection, and you can also do your best to keep your distance from others in the hospital. Depending on the severity of the health problem, the need for treatment might outweigh the risk of catching the virus.
If you need to see a doctor urgently, go ahead, no matter how busy they may be with pandemic cases. Similarly, if you need prompt hospital treatment, don’t be deterred from visiting or calling an ambulance, just because they’re overstretched.
Your need may be as urgent as that of a COVID-19 patient, and will be respected as such. You’ll also need to overcome any fears of catching the virus in that situation. If you have a mask to wear, that will offer some protection, and you can also do your best to keep your distance from others in the hospital.
Depending on the severity of the health problem, the need for treatment might outweigh the risk of catching the virus.
If you’re trying to avoid catching COVID-19, or any other infectious disease, your efforts will benefit your whole community as well as yourself. But while you’re keeping up these vital measures, make sure to maintain your overall health standards, too, with the pointers above. Then you’ll be in a great place for dealing with any health risk, and any other type of challenge in your life.